This message, related to the development of the theme, only displays on the
localhost homepage to notify you of any important theme changes.
Version 1.1.0 - May 18, 2020
With this version, the theme has fully implemented static search using
lunr.js. That being said, a few modifications were necessary to implement this
To utilize this, or future version of Hugo Future Imperfect Slim, please make
the following changes:
Add the following to your config.toml before [params]:
Remove the underscore from all about and contact page file names: -->
Add layout = "about" or layout = "contact" to all of the files you just
just adjusted the file names for.
While I realize this is inconvenient, I hope that it is worth it to you in the
long run. Thanks for using the theme, and feel free to submit issues as needed.
Vivek Dubey
IT Consultant | Traveller | Interested in worldly affairs
How Google captures our information in the modern world
7 minute read
When lazy journalists are pessimistic about Amazon’s Alexa or Google Home, they say stuff like: “Even Orwell couldn’t have predicted that we’d willingly bring Big Brother into our own homes.”
A simple and effective tool to manage stakeholders
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In every interview I am often asked, have you managed a stakeholder? I always think what do they mean by managing; you don’t manage stakeholders you engage with them.
A brief introduction of different types of IT viruses
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Logic Bombs: The logic bombs are the simplest example of malicious code. They are rarely stand-alone programs. Most often, they are a piece of code embedded in a larger program. The embedding is usually done by the programmer (or one of the programmers) of the larger program.”